mardi 28 mars 2017

HiFi+ published a report about the Lavardin ISx


On the issue 144 Alan Sircom from HiFi+ published a 3 pages review about the Lavardin ISx integrated amplifier.
Here You can read the table of content of the issue 144 of HiFi+ and if You are interested, here You can read the whole article.

Article Lavardin ISx on HiFi+ 144

vendredi 24 mars 2017

Renewing the Web Pages

Spring is a renovation time, our business increased and our product portfolio developed further in the analogue domain. For this reason our web pages became more and more clumsy and nothing but just a list of brands. It was time to spend a little bit more effort to permit our customer to find the relevant information with ease... even if this needs one click longer, it bears lot more content it is open to bear lot more information and suggestions for the dealers and the final customers.
We appreciate feedback.

Renewing the Web Pages

samedi 4 mars 2017

Jelco Tonarme and accessories in Switzerland

We are expanding to become more and more specialised in analogue technology. We will be able to fulfil soon the needs of each music lover. Jelco is our new entry

Jelco in Switzerland

jeudi 2 mars 2017

Frühlings Hausmesse bei Zimmermann in Schaffausen am 25. März

ab 10 bis 20 Uhr. Geräte von Hegel, Music Hall, EJ und Plattensp. von SCHEU, bringen unsere Lautsprecher von Blumenhofer, Neat acoustic, zu musikalischem Hörgenuss der Superlative! 
Anmeldung erwünscht
High-End Audio Zimmermann - Kronenhalde 12 - Schaffhausen
Tel. 052 624 14 37

Hausmesse Zimmermann