vendredi 23 novembre 2018

Review of the Blumenhofer Loudspeakers on released a review of Blumenhofer loudspeakers.
The article in French is a good description of Blumenhofer's philosophy and way of thinking.

You can read it here on the pages of the French e-zine.

mercredi 21 novembre 2018

Review of the Hegel H590 on HiFi Plus

The Hegel H590 has been reviewed on HiFi Plus.
Here You can read the whole review.

samedi 3 novembre 2018

Small cute and really good - Soundgil in Switzerland

They fascinated me for their minimalist design and the dimensions. Their sound quality is convincing, their precision workmanship is first class. Their price tag is normal and they are some of these gizmos that make live nicer and more enjoyable. These are among the first loudspeakers in this quality that can be used connected with a Telephone.

Soundgil is now imported in Switzerland trough us, ask us for a list of dealers carrying our products.